How to pickle green olives at home

It is customary to pick green olives for pickling in mid-September of each year. Consequently, everyone is flocking to buy and pickle olives at home, wanting to have a delicious and distinctive taste, especially as it is one of the most famous pickles. Since many people these days are looking for ways and steps for pickling green olives at home, we decided to share this recipe with you today ...

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How to pickle green olives at home

Ingredients pickled green olives

1 kg medium green olives (preferably baladi olives)

1/2 kilo sliced ​​lemon

3 cups lemon juice

1 1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 kilo chopped hot pepper

1 liter of cold water

7 tablespoons of salt

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon white vinegar


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How to pickle green olives at home

1- Wash the green olives well to get rid of the dust and dirt attached to them.

2- Make three holes for the olives with the knife.

3- Soak the olives in a deep bowl of water, and leave it for three days. (Make sure to change the water daily)

4- After 3 days have passed, filter the olives well from the water.

5- Put the olives after that in a jar of suitable size.

6- Layer the slices of lemon and hot pepper over the olives.

7- Pour over the previous ingredients, all of the olive oil and lemon juice.

8- In another bowl, dissolve the salt over a liter of water well.

9- Then add the saline solution to the olive jar.

10- Close the jar well until it is used.


Method of pickling olives with carrots:

Another way to pickle green olives is the one that comes stuffed with carrots ...

Ingredients for pickling green olives with carrots:

1 kilo green olives

1/2 kilo of lemon

6 cloves of garlic

A bunch of green celery

2 large carrots

2 pods of hot red pepper

2 pods of hot green pepper

1/4 cup vinegar

1 cup olive oil

Coarse salt (as needed)

How to pickle green olives with carrots:

1- Wash the olives well with water before using them.

2- Make three holes with the olives.

3- In a deep bowl, soak the olives in water for days, making sure to change the water daily.

4- After the third day, drain the olives from the water well, and leave them aside.

5- Place garlic, hot pepper, celery, vinegar, carrots, salt and a lemon with the peel in a kibbe.

6- Put the previous mixture on the olives, mixing it well.

7- Put the olives in a jar of suitable size.

8- Squeeze the remaining lemons and place them on top of the olives until they cross the surface.

9- Finally, put olive oil on top and close the jar well.

10-Leave the jar at a suitable temperature for 15 days, while stirring it from time to time. You can use it afterwards.

Blessed and cured!