How to make soy sauce grilled chicken

Grilled chicken with soy sauce is an easy dish of chicken food away from traditional cooking, a very healthy dish, all its ingredients are natural and there are no additives, if charcoal is not available and for barbecuing purposes, the chicken can be placed in the oven after seasoning and preparing it.

Preparation time: 2 hours

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Total time: 2 hours 20 minutes


    2 pieces of boneless chicken breast

    A quarter cup of soy sauce

    A quarter cup of olive oil

    A tablespoon of vinegar

    2 teaspoons brown sugar

    Salt and Pepper

    Grilled chicken spices

How to prepare

    Mix the soy sauce with oil, spices, salt, pepper, vinegar and sugar

    Marinate the chicken breasts with the mixture for two hours

    Grill the chicken on pre-prepared charcoal, to brown and smudge

    Chop the chicken and serve