How to make chimney cake

Chimney cake is one of the special sweets with its delicious taste, Roman origin and shape. The cake consists of flour, sugar, milk, yeast and some other additions available in every home.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time: 35 minutes


    2 cups flour

    yeast envelope

    sugar spoon

    2 tablespoons powdered milk

    Quarter cup of warm water

    ¼ cup melted butter

    Quarter cup of sugar

    an egg

    Half a cup of liquid milk


    pinch of salt

    Metal cornet molds for shaping

How to prepare

    In a bowl, put the yeast, a spoonful of sugar and a quarter cup of warm water, stir and leave them to react.

    In another bowl, put the flour, a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of powdered milk and mix well.

    In another bowl, put half a cup of liquid milk with a quarter cup of sugar, butter, egg and vanilla, and pour over the yeast that we have prepared and mix well.

    Then add the flour gradually over them and knead until we get a cohesive and soft dough, cover it and leave it for half an hour to ferment.

    After half an hour, roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut it into finger-wide strips.

    We grease the cornice molds with butter and start rolling the dough slices on them to take a conical shape and brush their face with butter and dip them in sugar.

    Arrange it in a tray on butter paper and put it in the oven at 200 degrees until golden.

    In this way, we will have the most delicious chimney cake that can be filled with chocolate, cream or ice cream according to taste.